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Jason Day Pants Today

Jason Day's Baggy Pants Steal the Spotlight at Augusta

Fashion Faux Pas or Fashion Forward?

Golf Fans Weigh In on Day's Outrageous Attire

Jason Day made a statement on Thursday at Augusta, but it had nothing to do with his play. Instead, golf fans couldn't help but notice the extremely baggy pants the Australian was wearing.

Day posted a few pictures from the tournament on X (formerly Twitter) along with the caption, "1st day at Augusta went well...feeling good about the game. Looking forward to the weekend. #Masters2023." Fans quickly took to social media to share their thoughts on Day's fashion choice.

Some praised Day for his willingness to break the mold, while others criticized the pants as being too sloppy for the prestigious tournament. One fan even joked that Day looked like he was "wearing his dad's pants."

The following day, Day's move to Malbon was made official, an announcement that featured a hype video with a number of outfits the former world No. 1 will be wearing this season. While the pants in the video are not as baggy as the ones Day wore at Augusta, they are still noticeably looser than the traditional golf attire.

Whether you love them or hate them, there's no denying that Jason Day's baggy pants have become a talking point at the Masters. Only time will tell if other players will follow Day's lead and start wearing more relaxed clothing on the course
